Bassia Dai



BASSAI DAI – “To Penetrate the Fortress”

The first of the two katas in the Bassai series, Bassai Dai is one of the longest katas in the Shotokan syllabus, and it is a good test of the students ability to make maximum use of their hip rotation. This kata introduces the student to several new hand techniques, including chudan-tate-shuto-uchi-uke (middle level vertical inside outward sword hand block), chudan-choku-zuki (middle level straight punch), ryo-sho-tsukami-uke (two handed grasping block), gedan-sokuto-kekomi (lower level sword foot thrust kick), morote-jodan-uke (double rising block), and many other advanced techniques. This kata is very well suited to those students who can bring out the power this kata portrays when done properly. The term “Dai” means “greater” and in this instance refers to the length and strength of this kata.There are two kiai points in Bassai Dai, the first one occurs on the gedan-sokuto-kekomi (lower level sword foot thrust kick) which occurs on the last movement at the top of the “I” of the embusen (line of attack), and the second one occurs on the last movement of the kata, a chudan-shuto-zuki (middle level sword hand strike). This kata contains 42 movements and should take the student approximately one minute (60 seconds) to complete. To finish the kata from the last movement, leave your right foot in place and withdrawing your left foot, stand up and finish with your hands in front of you so you are now in the yoi (ready) position identical to the start of the kata, now bring your hands to your sides and stand in heisoku-dachi (attention stance), rei(bow), now step out with your left foot, then your right foot and stand once again in hachiji-dachi (natural stance)

Bassia Dai

Number of movements 42

1st Kia movement 19

2nd Kia movement 42


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