- TEKKI SHODAN – “Iron Horse Number One”
- The first of the three Tekki katas, this kata was originally known by it’s Okinawan name Naihanchi, a name still commonly used today in several other styles of karate. Thought to be Chinese in origin this kata is known for the introduction of several unique inward kicks, commonly known as “wave kicks”. It is widely believed that the three Tekki katas we know and practice today within the Shotokan system, were once linked together and taught as one single continuous kata, but that this kata was ultimately broken down into the three parts we practice today by Gichin Funakoshi sensei’s teacher Master Itosu, primarily for ease of teaching. Gichin Funakoshi Sensei then changed the name of this particular kata from Naihanchi to Tekki Shodan when he introduced the art of karate to Japan, perhaps in order to have the Tekki series of katas more readily accepted by Japanese society.There are two kiai points in Tekki Shodan, the first one occurs to the left side on the first ni-yoko-chudan zuki (double middle level side punch), this occurs half way through the kata at the extreme left hand end of the embusen (line of attack), and the second one occurs to the right side on the second ni-yoko-chudan-zuki (double middle level side punch), at the extreme right end of the embusen (line of attack), which also happens to be the last movement of the kata. This kata contains 29 movements and should take the student approximately 45 seconds to complete, to finish the kata from the last movement,leave your left foot in place and draw your right foot to your left foot, and finish with your hands to the front of you so you are now in the yoi (ready) position identical to the start of the kata, now bring your hands to your sides and stand in heisoku-dachi (attention stance), rei (bow), now step out with your left foot, then your right foot and stand once again in hachiji-dachi (natural stance).
- Tekki Shodan
- Number of moves 29
- 1st Kia movement 15
- 2nd Kia movement 29